Registration Instructions

Ready???  At exactly noon (EST) on Labor Day, September 2, 2024 – please return to this tab, and click on the link below:


This will open a “form” that you will fill out.  This should take less than (5) minutes.  The first section asks for basic information: name, address, phone number, and email.  Please provide a phone number where you can be reached.  A representative of The Academy will call you back within 24 hours of submitting your Registration Form (but hopefully, within a couple of hours).

Notice that there are three sections, each section starting with a brown “ribbon:”

SESSION I Classes – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

SESSION II Classes – Thursday, Friday and Saturday


Each brown “ribboned” section asks multiple questions – What is your first choice of class for that particular time period.  Simply click on the bubble next to your selection.  The next question asks what your second choice is for that same time period, etc. We STRONGLY encourage you to pick at least a first and second choice!   If you have no answer for a particular section, just leave it blank.  When complete, please check the “Yes” box at the bottom of the form, then click the SUBMIT button.  Then just sit back and wait for a return phone call for credit card/banking information.  A $300.00 deposit will be collected at the time of Registration, although payment in full is appreciated.   Since this form was created on Google Forms, it is not secure, and I wouldn’t want anyone’s credit information to be hacked.  When we call you back (hopefully within hours), we will verify what classes you are confirmed into (picking at least two choices will speed up registration), and process your payment.

CONGRATULATIONS, you are fully registered.  You will receive an Invoice detailing your classes within a couple of weeks, and notating your balance, if any.

Easy?  I think so.  BUT . . . this is a No Stress Day . . . so . . . if ANYTHING goes awry; simple call:

(757) 565-5299

and our team of representatives will gladly complete the registration for you.

I can’t wait to hear from you on Labor Day, September 2, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Standard Time.